In 2013, When I first came up with creating a hyperlocal website focused on the communities that my local school district served, I thought for sure it would be welcome with open arms from everyone. I endured racism, sexism, ageism, and probably a few other isms that I don't know the definition of. I thought to myself what's wrong, I came with quality content and a team of skilled people. 2019 my website and social media pages are still going strong with engagements over 75,000. Not all were opposed to what I was doing. But the ones that you would think would understand that we are trying to change the perception of a community did try to end my journey.
Build your team with the strongest members you can find. I came with marketing, brought on a proven photographer, and an award-winning journalist. My team has expanded and has given the best of their time, resources, and skill set. My site for my community showcases new businesses, stories that larger papers would not cover, and things that mean something to the locals. We become the trusted resource and also of an easy way to reach target markets. Proud of the team I built and the difference it made for the Ambridge Area. Looking forward to releasing our new partnership and also my new podcast. Stay tuned. #myenergy Comments are closed.