They came!! Girls from eight different zip codes traveled to Ambridge to participate in my girls-only football camp, called zone coverage! We did agility drills, hosted a football combine, talked football terminology, learned about each position, and even played flag football. The girls, coaches, and event staff laughed and smiled all day. I loved what our sponsor and photographer Erin Ninehouser, owner of Rustbelt Mayberry Photography, said about what she saw, "It's awesome to see you in action! I loved seeing the mix of intensity, concentration, curiosity, and accomplishment on the girl's faces. Priceless!"
Thankful for the Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc, the first multicultural sorority in Western Pennsylvania and on Robert Morris University's campus, for coming out and helping with camp operations, but also taking time to empower the girls by sharing how girls can be and do be anything. We also had a PIAA official time out to come and support and share with the girls what the role of a referee is on the football field. She took time out to share each piece of equipment she carries and its use. A few girls from the Ambridge lacrosse team stopped by to share about their sport. A parent shared, "I know my daughter really loves focusing on football 'knowledge', different plays; Loved the message of empowering girls to be athletes." I am thankful to have the best support and coaching staff! Grateful to all who put time, money, skills, and resources into this camp. We loved the article in the beaver county times . We even had the Pittsburgh Steelers send water bottles and decals for the participants. Each girl wanted to stay longer and wanted to know what was next. Could you help me? Help me create the next event you would like to attend: If you share pictures please give credit to our sponsor Rustbelt Mayberry Photography Also please share with the hashtags #coachmycyk #Zonecoveragefootballcamp #BringintheCoach #girlscandoanything Thank you to our sponsors and people who helped with lunch and shirts for the campers, anonymous, Old Crow Coffeehouse, Broadhill Travel, Pittsburgh Steelers, Ambridge Community Youth Football, Marlon Kittrell Primerica Financial Representative, Rustbelt Mayberry Photography Thank you all Felicia Mycyk Coaching and Consulting Comments are closed.